Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Back on the Wagon

Ok, ok, I know it's been way too long since I've written a real post. I never blatantly ignore assignments (it's not my style, as my inherent guilt and stress kick in immediately.) Let's just say I'm playing the "poor me" card for many reasons - lots of school, lots of work, lots of anticipation for Summer. This is a tough semester, and I really do think that I have pre-assignment/essay/test anxiety. Once I get the ball rolling, I seem to be ok. Some may call this laziness. Who knows.
Because I'm already complaining, let's get this out of the way - someone in our class (who shall remain nameless) is out of their mind. No one needs to read about your sexual exploits/wannabe rhymes. What does that shiz have to do with class??? Oh, wait. I know. Maybe if said person showed up to class, there'd be some sembelance of correlation between blog posts and class sessions.

Speaking of class - I can appreciate a good, cerebral, dense plot (movies, film, tv, bla bla bla.) Chekhov's "Three Sisters," however, was not my cup of tea. At all. If someone asked me what we watched on Monday, I wouldn't be able to answer outside of, "old timey Brits in Russia with a creepy dad and off-duty military men attempting to have a meal of some kind."

I'm hoping "Hannah and Her Sisters" is better... Allen is strange and has a quirky sense of humor, so I'm banking on an off-color representation of Chehov's Borefest 2010.

I feel uninspired just thinking about it. Sorry, Professor Wexler.

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